Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally having the courage...

For a long time, I have been one of these silent scrappers. I finally decided to go ahead and answer the DT calls. After talking to a good friend, (she is a wonderful source of inspiration) I decided to take the plunge. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself the past few days working on the LOs. The comments that I received on my LOs also have been a source of inspiration. To the members of the Made With Love Community Board who commented on the LOs, a really BIG THANK YOU for encouragement.

Although I am on long leave now, and yes I do miss my job, I am looking forward to seeing how far scrapbooking will take me, whether now or in the future.

Here are the LOs that I completed today......

1 comment:

  1. Vic!!!!!! Oi... you changed number ah?!?!?!?! I've been looking for you for a long time you know woman???!!! Serena here!!! yes, from the era of teaching from way back when! how are you woman?! get in touch with me... do you have FB?! I don't know if you have my new number. email me ok? d o r i e m e . a t . y a h o o . d o t . c o m . Heh. amazing. I know aida from our girls' ballet school... write me!!!
