Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sketchy Thursday

Well this is the first time I am posting with this site!! So I am kinda excited. I also applied for their DT call and I am keeping my fingers crossed cos I would love to be part of such a creative design team :-)

I am attaching this LO, based on the above sketch. However, I have flipped it around and put the embellies on the right instead of the left. TFL

All the papers are from Basic Grey's Origins Collection and the swirls and flowers are cut from Sizzix.

Here's another take on the same sketch. However for this one, I placed the pic towards the right and put the main embellies on the top left hand corner instead with the hand cut vines coming down. TFL

For this LO I followed the sketch as much as I could...the only difference was that I put the title on the top and not the bottom. That green paper you see where the title is, is actually part of the packaging of Prima flowers. Don't waste, ya, some of these embellies come with really pretty packaging.

The photo shows a group of my former students celebrating Hari Raya - the end of Ramadhan for the Muslims. The month long fasting and sacrifices comes to an end with an elaborate celebration of visiting loved ones and friends. What I find so fascinating is that they wear their traditional clothes, which is just simply gorgeous.

For this LO, I used flocked paper as the background and used Memento inks to color it in so that the designs on the flocked paper would show up a bit more. TFL


  1. Oh I love these!!! That origins line makes everything look so exotic, doesn't it?!

  2. these are so lovely Victoria and congrats on the popsicle scoop

  3. beautiful layouts Victoria! glad to see you on Scrap Attack Scrapbooking.
