Sunday, May 2, 2010

"to be or not to be" / "to submit or not to submit"

Well, its been a busy and expensive week....The sale of my house is finally over and done with and nothing is a greater feeling than being debt free!! WOW!!! Really gotta pinch myself on that one just to remind myself about it. It was an expensive week cos I needed to get some stuff that is long a new lappy. I am using a mini notebook to blog, watch videos, upload pics and seriously it gets to be a royal pain at times just staring at a small screen. Well I got the HP ENVY and seriously can't wait for it to get here. Am still wondering if I should get it skinned, to match my I phone, I pod etc. But we shall see.

Now going back to the title of this blog.....Prima Marketing is having their DT call. I absolutely love their products and am feeling very overwhelmed about even submitting my stuff. Their blog is just gorgeous, and since this call is open to all countries, i can't imagine the talent!! Hmmmm, wonder if i should even give it a go. I have created a couple of things for the DT call, and I am not even sure if it matches up to the amazing talent that I see on their blog. Perhaps I should not sell myself short but at the same time...............

Well, this little LO got a lot of comments on Let's Scrap. Seriously, I had to adapt it quickly cos none of the LSS here, have the ATC holders, so adapt, modify create out of the box so to speak comes into play....

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